Financial Health

Financially stressed workers likely to draw on retirement plans

This article was published on May 24, 2018 on Employee Benefit News written by Nick Otto.

Financial stress is taking its toll on employees, causing them to partake in rather risky money behavior: tapping into their 401(k) or other retirement savings in an attempt to get back on track.

More than half of workers (54%) who identify as being financially stressed say they will likely use their retirement funds for expenses other than retirement, according to PwC’s 2018 Employee Financial Wellness Survey, out this week. That’s compared to 33% of their colleagues who say they’re not stressed about finances.

“Our survey indicates that […]

June 6th, 2018|Telehealth & Industry News|

Working to Save People Money and Better Their Financial Health with Telehealth

When you think about financial health what comes to mind? Chances are you think first about someone’s financial situation and probably not about the overall health of one’s body or mind. However, your finances and your health can intersect more than you might think.

Consider this… both your health and your finances can be constantly changing, for better or for worse. Your personal financial situation can be unhealthy, which can have a negative impact on many other areas of your life. And, if your personal health is poor, that can lead to sizeable financial issues. Therefore, when we focus on bettering […]

June 4th, 2018|CADR+ Programs, CADR+ Updates|