‘Every battle is won before it is fought.’
~Sun Tzu
1. Value Proposition
The first video in the series provides an overview of our value proposition, and why utilization makes all the difference between a wildly successful Telemedicine program and an opportunity cost.
2. Core Product Overview
Take a deeper dive into the services that make up the Call A Doctor Plus bundles. From how they work, to where you access them and a quick tour or each, this is a good primmer on our various solutions.
3. Finding Your Way Around
It might not be sexy, but knowing where to find what you need is critical to your success. Whether it’s our admin portal or broker kit, take a few minutes to learn where to find the things you need most.
4. Positioning Telemedicine
How you position telemedicine to your clients will determine your success. Learn how to position telemedicine and specifically apply it’s benefits to match the needs of your prospects.
BONUS: 5 Power Sales Tips
Take advantage of what we’ve learned over the years with powerful, proven sales tips and strategies for presenting the value of the Call A Doctor Plus program to your prospects and clients.
5. Utilization Is Life
Telemedicine can address many of the issues that have plagued health plans for decades, but only if it’s used. Learn all about utilization and why it should be the life-blood of any health plan.
6. Enrollment & Communication
When you are ready to bring on your first group, you need to know how the process works. From what we need to how it works, communication to commission, this will cover it all… soup to nuts!