
10 Ways Telemedicine Is Changing Healthcare IT

This article was published on You Must Get Healthy written by Collins Nwokolo.

The Revolution is HERE!

Telemedicine is the distant cure and health assessment of patients over telecommunications and e- technologies. This includes teleconferencing, document-sharing, and mobile technology to provide medical access to those who are lacking it because of cost or long-distance issues. It permits health care providers to check, analyze, and provide treatment to patients without the need for an in-person visit.

Nowadays, telemedicine is used in various medical fields including cardiology, dermatology, and behavioural health. It is acting as a way to provide health care services to areas underserved […]

June 11th, 2018|Telehealth & Industry News|

How doctors are using telemedicine to help allergy sufferers

This article was published on May 10, 2018 on CBS NEWS. Photo source: CBS NEWS.

With spring allergies in full bloom, the wait to see a specialist in person can be several weeks but scheduling a same-day visit through telemedicine is virtually a click away.

An explosion of tree pollen this spring is setting off Dylan Kirch’s allergies. Instead of taking him for an office visit, Dylan’s mother Lisa sits with him at the kitchen table for a virtual visit over video with pediatrician Sylvia Romm.

Dylan explains his symptoms to Dr. Romm, showing her his eyes and inside his mouth — where […]

June 5th, 2018|Telehealth & Industry News|

Working to Save People Money and Better Their Financial Health with Telehealth

When you think about financial health what comes to mind? Chances are you think first about someone’s financial situation and probably not about the overall health of one’s body or mind. However, your finances and your health can intersect more than you might think.

Consider this… both your health and your finances can be constantly changing, for better or for worse. Your personal financial situation can be unhealthy, which can have a negative impact on many other areas of your life. And, if your personal health is poor, that can lead to sizeable financial issues. Therefore, when we focus on bettering […]

June 4th, 2018|CADR+ Programs, CADR+ Updates|

Telemedicine Reinvents the Visit to the School Nurse

Technology lets the nurse tap into outside experts, often getting students back to class more quickly
This article was published on May 25, 2018 on The Wall Street Journal, written by Emily Holland. Photo source: Mike Bradley for the Wall Street Journal.

Telemedicine has grown rapidly in recent years. Now hundreds of schools are bringing it to the nurse’s office.

School nurses say telemedicine helps them treat students faster right at school, reducing risk of infection, getting the students back to class faster and relieving a big burden on the students’ families.

At Abraham Lincoln School No. 22, in Rochester, N.Y., when nurse Amy […]

May 31st, 2018|Telehealth & Industry News|

Help Dealing with Personal Issues and the Complexities of Healthcare

Every day, people all over the world deal with different levels of stress. From the stresses of work or home life issues, to severe mental health illnesses such as depression or anxiety, reaching optimal health and well-being has become increasingly difficult.

To make matters worse, healthcare itself continues to become more complex. Whether you’ve faced confusing, inaccurate medical bills or challenges finding quality, affordable providers… healthcare can be confusing, overwhelming and infuriating! Even though more people seem to need access to care and assistance, somehow the healthcare system only gets harder to navigate.

Call A Doctor Plus is tackling these challenges head-on […]

May 21st, 2018|CADR+ Programs, CADR+ Updates|